Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Welcome to the 2012-2013 Scouting Year!

Welcome to another year of Girl Scouts!

This year, our scouts are embarking on a new and exciting journey as Junior Girl Scouts. What does this mean? Well, according to Girl Scouts tradition, the girls have officially left the Brownie nest and “flown up” to Junior Girl Scouts (hence the golden wings they earned during the Flying Up ceremony). The girls will be able to do more, and more will be expected of them as they continue on the Girl Scouts path. New badges, new journeys, new challenges and new opportunities to learn and grow.

We held our Bridging and Flying Up Ceremony on September 8th, where returning Girl Scouts were awarded their Brownie Wings, and officially became Juniors.  Some of the girls have been with Girl Scouts since they were Daisies, so this was a big day for us all.  Despite the sweltering heat, we all had a great time coming together to celebrate the occasion. 
