Cookie Sale 2013

The annual Girl Scout Cookie Sale is the biggest fundraiser of the Girl Scout year.  This year's theme, "What Can a Girl Do?" shifts the focus away from the product, and onto the girls selling the cookies.  More than just a fundraiser, the Cookie Sale empowers and enables girls to take charge of selling cookies and using the proceeds to accomplish their goals.  Will it be a camping trip?  Maybe a visit to the nation's capital? Or how about going back to Hershey Park for Camp-O-Ree? 

As we embark on the second half of our scouting year, I'd like to take this chance to remind parents that the cookie sale is more than just a way for girls to help offset the cost of our trips and other adventures.  This is a way for girls to learn valuable skills that will help them tackle the challenge of becoming responsible, intelligent young women and, eventually, leaders in their communities.  Skills like money management, interacting with the public (beyond their own social circle), and creative marketing are just a few of the things they'll be learning.  Coming together as a team for a common purpose is another thing we'll be focusing on.  Because, ultimately, it doesn't matter so much if you reach 200 boxes, or 500, or 1000.  You can be successful as an individual, but your success (or failure) also belongs to the troop.  So we'll be encouraging the girls to encourage each other, to reach a little further, and push a little harder.  Because, for some, it will be hard to learn those things that aren't strictly in their comfort zone.  Maybe your scout is shy, but is great with numbers.  Or, maybe she's a people person, but can't focus on details like money or inventory management. Perhaps she's a creative type who is great at marketing, but can't figure out how to put her ideas into action. 

If you haven't already, please have your scout check out COCO Cookie Command.  It's a little like Facebook for Girl Scouts.  Girls can set up a profile, set goals, and cheer each other on.  It's a fun way to stay abreast of what's happening. 

Also, please check out the troop calendar for upcoming cookie booths.  The booths are a great way for us to connect with the public.

Cookie Sale Rules and Regs:

Please read through the blue pamphlet, which outlines the rules and regulations for the cookie sale.  What it boils down to is basic common sense.  Below are a few additional things to keep in mind:
  • Safety:  Scouts must be accompanied by their parents when making door-to-door sales; use good stranger-safety guidelines. 
  • Money:  Do not accept personal checks unless you are absolutely certain that the person issuing the check is trustworthy.  The troop WILL NOT accept checks from customers.  If you accept a check from a person, you must write a check from your own account to cover the cost.  So, make sure you are 100% certain that a check will clear. Any money that gets misplaced is your responsibility.  There is a due date on your money envelope when all money needs to be returned. Write it down, write it down, write it down.  The order form is your friend.
  • Cookie Booths:  A troop leader will either meet you at the location of the cookie booth or arrange to have you pick up supplies beforehand.  You will be supplied with a table, tablecloth, cookies, cashbox with change, and a check sheet to help keep track of the cookies you sell. All cookie booth items need to be returned immediately after the booth sale. Two adults and two scouts have to staff each cookie booth.  Otherwise, the booth needs to be turned back into the Service Unit for redistribution. Booth sales will be added in equal amounts to each scout that participates in the cookie booths.  I will take the total number of cookies sold at booths, and divide them by the number of girls who participated.  If she does one booth, she gets one share, two booths equals two shares, and so forth.  This is to ensure that each girl is rewarded for participation, and not punished for having a lousy day of sales at a booth.
  • Cookies:  You will be given a personal supply of cookies.  These cookies are your responsibility.  Any cookies taken from your inventory that are not paid for will become your responsibility to cover the cost.  So please be careful about who has access.  If you find that you are unable to sell certain cookies, please let me know, and I will transfer them to another scout or back into the troop cookie supply.  DO NOT hand your cookies over to another scout without letting me know. I need to enter ALL transfers into the cookie database.  
  • Incentives:  On the order form are the different rewards girls can earn for selling cookies.  This is a great way to keep her motivated to keep going with the sale.

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