Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Taking a detour for a writer's workshop

Junior Scribe Badge

Tonight the girls took a little detour and worked on earning their "Scribe" badge.  The badge is part of the Agent of Change Journey, and is geared towards helping the girls express themselves in the written form, whether it's a poem, short fictional story, personal essay, or fact-based article.  Many thanks to Michele and Kathy for stepping in and helping out this week, since I was only able to stay for a short time.  Each girl came home with a packet of information about the earning the badge, including a worksheet to help them keep track of when they earned each part.  So, please sign and return the worksheet when all parts are completed, so she can earn that badge!

The next troop meeting will be on Wednesday, March 6th.  The reason this is a Wednesday night and not Tuesday is because the girls will be attending the Bronze Award workshop.

Please make sure to check out the "Upcoming Events" page, because March is jam-packed with activities.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Cookie Sale 2013

It's that time again!  The annual cookie sale starts today.  Please check out the "Cookie Sale 2013" page for important information about this year's sale.
