Wonders of Water

We're closing in on the end of our WOW! Wonders of Water Journey.  It's been a long journey for the girls, but they've learned a lot about the importance of a precious natural resource. 

If you're visiting this page, your scout is probably running a bit behind on the Journey with regard to earning certain badges.  Not to fear!  If the SHARE certificate never made it home with your scout, please email me and I will attach a PDF of the certificate to be filled out and turned in.

If you need ideas for the SAVE project, here are a few.  Feel free to come up with your own idea.  The important thing is that your scout gets a sense of how she can make big improvements with small changes:

1.  Take a trash bag with you to a local park, pond, or waterway and collect trash.  Have her pay attention to what kind of trash you are collecting. 

2.  Clear the storm drains in your neighborhood.

3.  Have her ask her teacher if she can post pictures around her classroom about the importance of not wasting water.  Also she can ask about giving a 5-minute speech to the class about water as a natural resource.

Email me for the SAVE Water certificate.  Have your scout fill it out, sign it (which certifies that she completed the service project) and return it to me ASAP!   The final ceremony for the Journey will be held during the April 24th troop meeting.
