Saturday, October 8, 2011

October: Wonders of Water and QSP

For the next meeting, we're going to continue on our journey, discovering the Wonders of Water.  Please have your scout look through the refrigerator and pantry at home and make up a list of foodstuffs that has water as an ingredient.  She'll need to make a list to bring to the next meeting.  Also, please have her do pages 30 and 31 in her WOW workbook, "Water Map and Water Journal in One".

We'll be learning more about our Blue Planet, and why water is such a precious resource. We will also start a companion Try It, "Water Everywhere".  The girls will have different activities to work on between meetings, both as part of the WOW workbook and the "Water Everywhere" Try It.  Look for more information in the take home letter after Tuesday's meeting.

By now I hope that your scout has made some progress selling QSP items.  If not, we still have the rest of this week to make some sales.  Please have a look at the "QSP" page for more information.

Thanks and see you at the meeting!

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