Monday, November 21, 2011

November Update

November came and went so fast, I hardly had time to update our webpage. I think we're all looking forward to Turkey Day and a little R&R with the family this weekend.

That said, let's not forget the less fortunate of our community, namely the Justus family on East Bettlewood Ave, who recently lost their home and possessions in a house fire a week ago.  In a tremendous outpouring of support for the family, they have been receiving donations in the form of gift cards, clothing, and other supplies almost non-stop since the fire.  Michele Phillips, our own co-leader, suggested that we put together a "mom's holiday" basket for the Beef 'n Beer benefit that will take place on Friday, December 9th at the Oaklyn Fire Hall.  As many of you already know, Katherine is the leader for our sister troop 30641, and has two of her daughters in Girl Scouts.  If you can donate anything to the basket, we would deeply appreciate it!

On another note, our QSP fundraiser is finished, and if you are waiting for your orders, I'll have them ready for you at the next meeting (tomorrow night, November 22nd at 6:30 pm).

Lastly, I'm going to put together a trip to the Franklin Institute in the near future.  Since the previous trips just didn't seem to work out, and I would REALLY like to see the girls get a trip in before the cookie sale starts, I'm going to make this one work this time.  So, rain or shine, snow, flood, earthquake, or whatever, we are going to go to the Franklin Institute.

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