Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Time again for the most anticipated event of the year for those that adore Girl Scout cookies.  The annual cookie sale!  The sale kicks off Thursday, January 19th.  Please visit the "Cookie Sale 2012" page on the site to review some information about the sale, especially if you missed the information meeting on Tuesday the 10th.  The dates, times, and locations of our cookie booths are also on that page. I have them posted on the troop calendar as well.

By now, you should have the cookie sale info packets for your scout.  If not, please contact me asap, so I can get it to you.  Please be aware, that the cookie sale is not mandatory for each scout.  However, it it IS mandatory for our troop to participate in the fundraiser if we want to have additional fundraisers throughout the rest of the year.  Also, if you choose not to have your scout participate in the cookie sale, she is not eligible for any of the patches or incentives that are earned through the sale.  She is also not entitled to the money raised during the sale that goes to offset the cost of the troop trip that we schedule for the spring.  Last year, our troop went to Hershey Park, PA for the annual Camp-O-Ree.  This year might be different since it's the 100 year anniversary of Girl Scouts, and there are celebrations taking place all over the country. One potential trip might be to Liberty State Park at the Statue of Liberty.  It all depends on how much money we raise.

Dates to Remember:
Money is Due to the Troop Leader by:  Thursday, January 26th, Thursday, February 2nd, and Tuesday, February 14th (troop meeting).
The February 14th Troop Meeting is the last day on which cookies will be taken back from parents.  (Please do not take more than you can sell assuming that you'll be able to return cookies.  If I can't unload them, we still need to pay for them.)

Click here for the Brownie Girl Guide to the 2012 Cookie Sale.  It has a lot of good information for your scout.  It's several pages long so, in the interests of being eco-friendly, I would recommend downloading it to your computer or e-reader and going over it with your scout.

Let's have a great sale, and our scouts will find out "what a cookie can do"!

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