Saturday, February 18, 2012

February Fun

As we begin to wind down the cookie sale, I can stop and take a look at where we are now compared to where we were at the beginning of the year.  There have been a few additions to (and subtractions from) our troop, which changed the group dynamic a little.  But, all in all, I think we have a energetic and fun-loving troop who are beginning to mature into their roles as Girl Scouts.

This month saw many, many cookie booths (and the fun's not over yet!), interesting events at the troop meetings (Valentine's Day crafting!), and our trip to the Stony Brook Millstone watershed today.  Please visit the pictures page for some cute photos of our girls enjoying a day at the watershed, learning about the process of maple sugaring. 

More trips are on the horizon.  Please check out the Upcoming Events page and let me know which ones look like good candidates.  There are many trips that you can sign your scout up for individually if the troop elects not to go.

1 comment:

Allie said...

Hey Beth! I checked the "upcoming events" page and couon't find anything other than world thinking day and sweet maple memories. Also, I've been forgetting to check this page altogether-I only did today b/c I was referring someone to the page who is interested in or troop. Anyway, I think others may be forgetting too. I'll link it up to FB and is there any way you can email subscribe us all? Thanks!
