Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March Madness

Well, spring has arrived early this year, apparently, and we're beginning to wind down our Wonders of Water Journey.  The girls received the first of their Journey badges last night, "LOVE Water".  They also received their Cookie Sale 2012 pins for doing such a great job during the cookie sale.

Speaking of the sale, I wanted to extend a big thank you to everyone for pitching in and getting those cookies sold.  I realize that it's very time consuming, and I know the girls and I appreciate all the hard work that went into walking around your neighborhood, manning the cookie booths, and selling at various workplaces.  Great job!

As we continue onward this spring, and through to the end of the year, we'll be spending more time on fun stuff like trips and activities.  Once the Wonders of Water Journey is complete, we'll turn our attention to community service projects, and earning badges, as well as mapping out what types of trips we'll be taking when the weather turns nice.  Please have a look at the Upcoming Events page for a few suggestions.

On Saturday, March 24th, from 9:00 to noon, the girls will earn their "SAVE Water" badge by participating in the cleanup of Peter's Creek behind the school. The cleanup effort is sponsored by St. Mark's Lutheran Church.  Although this isn't a mandatory event, if you scout is not able to attend, I would need you to have her do a community service project on her own in order to earn the badge.  Please contact me for more info.

On Saturday afternoon, March 31st, from 1:00-2:00 pm, we will be doing a cleanup of the Emmanuel Methodist Church where we have our troop meetings.  This is a "thank you" to the church for allowing us to meet in their building for free.  The pastor had asked if we would help clean up the outside of the church so it would be pretty for Good Friday and Easter services.  We will help tidy up and plant some flowers.

Please check back for more information about our troop, and be sure to check in with our Facebook page too!

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